Besides numerous business continuity and profitability challenges faced by today’s business, how to create a sense of belonging, provide employees with much needed psychological safety and maintain values
and collaboration whilst employees work remotely appears to be next big challenge organisations will face in the medium term. This was one of the key insights highlighted during the recent Transformation League (TTL) HR virtual webinar titled, The Future of Work is Here: Is Your Business Ready?
Held on Thursday, 15th October 2020, the event was attended by over 40 leaders and was hosted by TTL and its partners – Peoplesource Consulting, TMS Consulting and Julhiet Sterwen. The session explored new ways of working and the challenges and opportunities the global pandemic has presented for many businesses. Participants logged in from all corners of the globe, including Italy, Uganda, Nigeria, France, Australia, Canada, Indonesia and the United Kingdom.
The webinar included insights from a panel of selected representatives from the northern and southern hemispheres representing a varied spectrum of business sectors, including:
- Dotun Adako, Group Head, Human Resources, BUA Group
- Merrilyn Strohfeldt, CEO, Darling Downs and West Moreton Primary Health Network
- Philippe Bonnet, Global Vice President, Human Resources, HRBP Finance & Head Learning & Development for ESSILOR
The panel members shared their individual insights and perspectives on the pandemic, including what changes they are seeing in business and employee expectations. Webinar participants were given the opportunity to share their thoughts on a number of key questions including the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses. Leaders across industries and locations agreed it has had substantial impact on their businesses.

When asked about the specific challenges, they have experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the following key themes emerges:
- The global economy is experiencing a downturn, and it is a matter of time before countries go into recession
- Leaders are experiencing challenges with business continuity
- Understanding how to support employees in the workplace, particularly in the mental health space
- Knowing how to balance productivity whilst maintaining flexibility
Key changes that businesses have had to make include:
- How businesses can go to the customer, rather than waiting for the customer to come to them
- Considering and implementing ways to stabilise revenue
- Considering and implementing new products and delivery methods
- Keeping a focus on agility as well as wellbeing
A consistent point across the conversation was the importance of being proactive and taking advantage of the new opportunities presented by different ways of working. Trust was noted as a key component to these opportunities, if successfully leveraged.
When leaders were asked about what changes they were anticipating for the future, the following themes emerged:
- Acceleration of transformation
- Development of technology specific skills
- Innovation around how we work and the space we work in
- Changes to the reason we come to the workplace
- Emphasising agility in teams and encouraging collaboration to achieve outcomes
- Consider what the workplace will be in the future – it is no longer as a place just for work
The webinar concluded with some final reflections on innovations in technology and exploring how collaboration at a global level is a key success factor for businesses moving forward.
For more information on the topics discussed, please contact Peoplesource Consulting at